Celebrating a fantastic Ofsted inspection!

Pupils are extremely happy at school and feel safe there. Their behaviour is exemplary. They value learning highly and so achieve well.Ofsted 2015

The report from our recent inspection has been published, and is now available online. The school was awarded an overall effectiveness rating of ‘Good’, with ‘Outstanding’ judgements given to Early Years provision, and for Behaviour and Safety. The current Ofsted inspection framework is arguably more challenging than ever before and many schools have had a very tough time persuading their inspection teams that they are still ‘Good’. We are therefore delighted that we have maintained an overall effectiveness rating of ‘Good’.

The exciting curriculum, which includes an extensive range of visits, provides pupils with invaluable opportunities to extend their learning and supported their outstanding spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.Ofsted 2015

The support provided by parents throughout the inspection was tremendous. As clearly noted in the report, the inspector was particularly impressed with the enthusiasm and commitment to the school shown by the entire Elvington community, noting that

Relationships throughout the school are excellent, and parents are fulsome in their praise of what the school provides for them and their children. They particularly value the school’s friendly and supportive environment where their children thrive.Ofsted, 2015

We wholeheartedly believe that this feedback from parents substantially contributed to the recognition of behaviour and safety in school as outstanding.  The next steps for the school, as identified by the Ofsted inspector, show the course of action that we are seeking to implement in order to meet Ofsted’s “outstanding” category.  We will continue to work at this through the regular self-assessment of performance and by harnessing our commitment to continuous improvement
