School Uniform

For the full Elvington Church of England Primary Uniform Policy, please see our Policies & Documents page.

Click to access the online shop

Our uniform is supplied by School Shop, available online or at their warehouse shop situated at Elvington Industrial Estate. They have produced a Customer Handbook full of useful information for parents and carers, including sizing, how to measure, and how to order.

Our school uniform consists of:

  • White or red polo shirt
  • Navy sweatshirt or fleecy cardigan all carrying the school logo 
  • Navy trousers or skirts
  • In colder weather, a fleece with the school logo may also be worn 
  • In the summer girls are also able to wear a blue or red checked or striped dress and boys may wear navy tailored shorts 
  • Navy or black leather shoes or sandals (not flip-flops) should be worn
  • In the winter girls may wear a smart black leather or patent school boot (not fashion, Ugg boots or Dr. Martens)
  • In the summer girls may wear white sandals 
  • Nail varnish is not permitted 

STAR Shop – Second Time ARound

From Thursday 31st March 2022, Elvington’s PTA have funded an onsite uniform barn.  This will enable parents/carers to exchange and purchase second hand uniform.

PE Kit:

  • White t-shirt or white polo shirt
  • Navy blue shorts (not baggy or long)
  • White or black trainers
  • Tracksuit, preferably navy blue, for colder weather
  • As PE kit is left on children’s pegs, a PE bag is also required

Please ensure that every item of clothing is named in order that it may be returned to you quickly if it is mislaid.  The importance of this cannot be stressed strongly enough. 

Valuables & Jewellery

The wearing of jewellery is discouraged as it constitutes a safety risk.  For children with pierced ears, we recommend small plain studs. 

The guidance on wearing earrings has changed based on national advice issued by the Association for Physical Education (afPE). It is now felt that the taping of earrings ‘creates a perception of safety and is not recommended’, as there have been several incidences within the local authority where children’s ears have been injured from earrings being pulled out from under the tape.

Therefore School policy from Monday 16th October 2023 is:

Children are not allowed to wear jewellery, including earrings, during PE lessons. Teachers/TAs are not permitted to take out or replace children’s earrings if they are unable to do so themselves, therefore it would be helpful if earrings could be taken out at home on PE days.

If a child has recently had their ears pierced and are unable to remove their earrings they will not be permitted to take part in the practical aspect of PE lessons for six weeks, after which time they will be expected to remove their earrings in order to participate in PE lessons. During this six week period the child will be able to take on the role of umpire, referee or coach where appropriate.

The fundamental reason not to wear earrings (or any jewellery) is that it can lead to injury for the wearer and for others in the class. Wearing earrings can result in both the tearing of the ear lobe, but also the post of the earring going into the neck.

Your support is greatly appreciated with the aforementioned points.