Recycle Toy Swap

June 28, 2017 @ 2:00 pm


Class 4 have been working together on a community project to be the change we want to be.  As a part of this we are holding a recycle toy swap.  Your child can bring in two toys, books are included.  Children can start bringing in toys and books on the 26th June to be prepared for the recycle toy swap.  This project will be held on the 28th June at 2.00pm.Kathryn, Imogen, Ellie and Class 4


Please do not bring in CD’s or DVD’s as they may be inappropriate or scratched. Thank you and we hope to see your children bring in something to swap.

There will be a KS1 stand and a “mixed” stand.  All the remaining donations will be sent to a children’s hospice or home of Class 4’s choice.  Please do not bring electrical toys but you can bring in battery operated toys, only if they are in working order.  Jigsaws are allowed so long as they are complete.