The booking system for the Parents’ Evenings which will take place on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th February is open until 12pm on Thursday 11th February. Please ensure your time slot is reserved by this date and time. The aforementioned booking system is provided by School Jotter and enables parents/carers to make their own bookings within the available time slots.
Appointments will last for ten minutes (with a five minute gap prior to the start of the next meeting), this will create a buffer before the next parent/carer requests access. Please do not request access before your meeting is due to start, unless it is in the latter stages of this five minute buffer.
The focus of these meetings will be reviewing work covered during the Autumn Term/lockdown; discussing end of year targets; progress and wellbeing. The aforementioned meetings will take place via Google Meet; with the option of a phone call if this would be preferred.
If you have any problems using this system, please contact Mrs Greening in the office. Further information has been sent to families regarding this.