Online Safety Tips – Managing Device Stress & Anxiety

Helping Children and Young People with Managing Device Stress and Anxiety

With smartphones, tablets, laptops and games consoles now the norm, it’s no surprise to learn that almost nine out of ten (89%, to be exact) 10 to 15-year-olds in the UK go online every day. What’s perhaps less expected, though, is that more than one in four (27%) say their parents or carers don’t talk to them much – or, in fact, at all – about what they actually do in the digital world.

This leaves many children feeling like they lack a source of emotional support if something online is causing them stress. As today’s #WakeUpWednesday guide discovers, maintaining a regular avenue of communication about our digital lives is just one step that trusted adults can take to help children feel more in control of how – and when – they use internet-enabled devices.

Read on to access your free guide…National Online Safety

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This guide is from National Online Safety.