You can read our Live Online Learning Policy on the Policies and Documents page of our website, under ‘Curriculum and Learning’.
Since the first national lockdown, we regularly added content to the website to support home learning and have shared some useful advice and guidance to help you create a positive learning environment.
Remember, your child has a login for TT Rockstars and for Purple Mash. To log in to Numbots, use the same login details and password as for TT Rockstars
Google Classroom and Meet
We used Google Classroom as our primary remote learning tool throughout the third national lockdown. However, we will continue using Numbots, Times Table Rockstars, Purple Mash, Lexia (for those with an account) and Tapestry for EYFS.
Each day, the staff updated Google Classroom with Home Learning tasks. There was a range of Phonics, Maths, Literacy and Topic based activities. The activities included: live lessons, video links, practical activities or worksheets. Please do not feel you need to print the worksheets but use these as a guide for your child’s learning.
This will be part of our home learning offer and further supported with relevant resources –
The aforementioned would be re-implemented in the event of a bubble/whole school closure.
- Click to sign in to the Google Classroom
- For families of EYFS children
Elvington Staff Videos
Staff have created videos covering a number of areas from bedtime stories; lessons on angles; the science behind handwashing; phonics; reading comprehension; Aesop’s Fables; circuit training; mathematical magic; making a cheesecake and many more…
These videos will hopefully maintain a connection with your child/ren and their teacher. In case you missed these recordings when they were first released, they are now available on this website. Click here to see them.
Resources to support Home Learning
Oxford Owl have added to their free eBooks collection, developed for children aged 3–11 years old, available here, for the duration of UK school closures, so that your child has more to read.
The White Rose Maths Team has prepared a series of five maths lessons for each year group for each week, and have now added plans for the Summer term with some of their resources available for free. Click here to find out more.
To support parents and carers with home learning, the subject experts at STEM Learning (based at the STEM Centre, on the University Campus) have put together a selection of activities and materials, all of which are completely free for everyone to access.
Barefoot Computing have developed a range of resources with fun and creative activities to help you guide your child through fundamental parts of the computing curriculum – without the need for screen time!
There are lessons for every subject and every year group available on BBC Bitesize and the new Oak National Academy.