Active 30:30

What is Active 30:30?

This is the Youth Sport Trust’s approach to getting children moving more and sitting less at school and at home. It is based on the research and insight into what works to increase physical activity throughout the school day and influencing children’s activity habits beyond school life. The chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that primary school children undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school.

‘Active children achieve up to 33% better than their peers.’

We encourage an active school culture. Increased daily physical activity and access to high quality PE and sport lead to improved physical, social and emotional health and wellbeing which in turn lead to increased progress, achievement, attainment, and skills for life. We promote every opportunity to be as active as possible within the school day.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club have a range of PE resources they are able to use as well an online dance workshop. We run a daily mile-running club twice a week before school.


Play leaders run active games for the younger children in school as well as physical challenges for older children. Our Play leaders are valued and receive training, deliver assemblies and have control of a budget. Play leaders receive training once a week to enable them to carry out their role.


We allow for ‘Brain Breaks’ in our teaching day and utilise opportunities for having active lessons. We endeavour to have an exciting, challenging and enjoyable PE curriculum. Our PE curriculum is inclusive which all children including SEND are able to access. We promote Walk to School week three times a year and include Bike Safety and Pedestrian Training as part of our PSHE curriculum.


We provide opportunities for children to take part in clubs after school. Extra-curricular club participation is monitored. Children are invited to attend clubs if they are tracked as non-participating. We also complete an annual pupil survey using Kobocca with questions linked to what sports they would like to try. This helps influence what we are able to offer.

Click here for an overview of the Sport and Physical Education provision in school.