Class 1 News

Using Purple Mash!

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Today the children in Years 1 and 2 have been using Purple Mash, a website with lots of tools. activities and games for primary school children that we are considering using.  The children in Classes 1 and 2 will each get a username and a password sent home soon (don’t worry KS2, yours will follow very quickly!) so they can log in and use Purple Mash at home too.  Let your teacher know if you find a fabulous activity that you would recommend!

Starting Reception in September 2018?

Click to download from the City of York Council website


Applications for a place in Reception starting in September 2018 are now open.

As a voluntary controlled school, our admissions arrangements are set by City of York Council as the admissions authority for our school. Details of the admissions policies that apply can be found on the CYC site. For any queries about the admissions policy or process you can email or call 01904 551554.

For more information, please see our Admission Arrangements.

Please read the Guide for Parents when applying for a school place, as it contains key information on school admissions.

Application deadline for primary school places – a reminder

Image of the fornt cover of the Guide for Parents

Click to download the City of York Council’s Guide for Parents

The deadline is fast approching for “on time” applications for a school place for September 2017.  For more information about this, please visit the City of York Council website and our page about Admissions Arrangements.


On time applications are accepted until 15 January 2017.  Late applications can be made after 15 January, though these may be looked at after other applications.  Applicants will be advised of their allocated school from ‘national offer day’, which is 18 April 2017.