Class 1 News

Scooter/Balance Bike Appeal!

I am attempting to create a balance bike and scooter zone for the children in EYFS. If you know of anyone able to donate a scooter and/or a balance bike in good condition, please let me know or send an email via the school office. The youngest children in school and myself would be so, so grateful. Many thanks for your support.Miss Rushmer


Mad Hatter’s Tea Party – World Book Day

Our lovely new cook, Fiona Hawley, would like to throw a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party treat for the children on Thursday 2nd March, World Book Day. Please see the menu below.

Click for a larger .pdf version!

She would very much like to have some props around the dining hall. Should anyone have any teapots, tea sets or any ‘Alice in Wonderland’ related items (for display purposes only) we would be very grateful of them for the day.

New Menu – from 27th February 2023

Please see below the new rolling 3 week menu will be introduced from the week commencing 27th February. You can click to enlarge the images, or download the menus in .pdf format.

Please see our School Meals & Snacks page for further information about the catering provision at Elvington Church of England Primary School.

Big Walk and Wheel

We’re taking part in Sustrans Big Pedal event 2023, the UK’s largest inter-school cycling, walking, wheeling and scooting challenge. The challenge runs from 20th to 31st March 2023, it’s free and we would love everyone to be involved. We would like to encourage your child(ren) to take active journeys to school on as many days as possible during the event, and join them on their way. You can scooter, cycle or walk. If you have to travel by car because of where you live, you could always park a short distance away from school to still take part. Or your child can walk several laps of the playground as they enter the school grounds. Walk to School Week is a great way to get children active, which is important for physical health and mental wellbeing. Active school runs also help to reduce congestion and air pollution outside the school gate. THANK YOU