Class 2 News

Using Purple Mash!

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Today the children in Years 1 and 2 have been using Purple Mash, a website with lots of tools. activities and games for primary school children that we are considering using.  The children in Classes 1 and 2 will each get a username and a password sent home soon (don’t worry KS2, yours will follow very quickly!) so they can log in and use Purple Mash at home too.  Let your teacher know if you find a fabulous activity that you would recommend!

EYFS/KS1 Christmas Party

The class Christmas parties are taking place next week and the EYFS/KS1 party will be on Wednesday 14th December.

Children are welcome to come to school in their party clothes. Please bear in mind that the day will run as normal, with outside play, so please make sure that your child will be warm enough and have suitable footwear to change into if necessary.

School will be providing refreshments and a small snack during the party.