Class 4 News

York RLFC “design a warmup top” competition

York RLFC is delighted to bring back our popular “design a warmup top” competition for 2025!

Due to the success we’ve experienced over the past couple of years, we are once again giving local school children the opportunity to design a warm-up top.This season, York RLFC is encouraging entrants to design a bespoke warm up top that is completely Superhero themed!

This year, the winner will receive a free warm-up shirt in their design, a complimentary ticket to the game and get the opportunity to walk out with the players as a player mascot!

To Enter:

Download the design template attached to complete your design. All entries must be submitted to or handed into the Club Shop at the LNER Community Stadium by Monday 31st March.York RLFC

You can read more about the competition on the York RLFC website


Holiday Club at Elvington Out of School Club

We will be open Tuesday to Thursday, from 8am to 6pm, in half term. Please bring a packed lunch and water bottle, snacks will be provided. Please also bring wellies and coats as we like to be outside, whatever the weather.

Bookings to be made by email or by calling 07790 480229 (Please text or leave a message when there is no reply). Bookings cannot be made via school. Please book as soon as possible.Elvington Out of School Club

You can read more about the Out of School Club here.


Year 6 SATs Information for Parents & Carers

Please find below a copy of the PowerPoint about the Year 6 Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) used during the online information meeting for parents and carers taking place on Tuesday 4th February 2025:

Scroll through the slideshow below, or click here to download the presentation as a .pdf

In order to support the children with the spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG) aspect of the assessments, please find below the SPAG Companion:

Click for a larger .pdf version

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Kind regards,
Mr. Andrew Buttery BA (HONS), PGCE, NPQH, NPQEL, SMHL

Elvington Out of School Club – Holidays

Please note – All holiday childcare must be booked in advance – thank you.

  • Friday December 20th – Last day for Out of School Club

    Click to visit the Out of School Club website

  • Thursday 2nd January – Open 8am – 6pm
  • Friday 3rd January – Open 8am – 6pm
  • Monday 6th January – Open 8am – 6pm

Bookings can be made by email to or by calling 07790 480229 – please text or leave a message when there is no reply.

Bookings cannot be made via school.

Wishing you a Happy Christmas,Sue, Elaine, Kath, Tracie, Maisy and Judi

Christmas Lunch Menu

Our festive Christmas Lunch will take place on Tuesday 17th December. Please book on ParentPay (who have now rectified the booking issue – apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused) by Wednesday 11th December, should you wish your child to have a lunch on this day. This will allow our catering team to order sufficient ingredients.

Please see below the Christmas menu.

Click for a .pdf version

Please note, there will not be a sandwich or jacket potato option.