Class 4 News

Class 4 mountain topic ‘fantastic finish’

As part of our ‘fantastic finish’ to our mountains topic, Class 4 children are invited to come into school dressed as if they were going to go for a hike on a mountain on Friday 11th December – THIS FRIDAY

A pair of trousers (joggers/leggings) and warm layers on top will be fine. Perhaps a hat & gloves too. Sturdy boots can be worn, if they have them, otherwise any flat shoes or trainers.

Please do not buy anything new! It’s just a bit of fun to finish our topic off.

We will watch Planet Earth – mountains and I will also bring some of Mr Buttery’s favourite mountain snack – flapjack – for the children to enjoy. Please let me know if, for allergy reasons, your child cannot have flapjack. The children have worked so hard this half term and I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching them about mountains.

Many thanks for your continued support at home.Mrs Ingle

Elvington Church Family Christmas Services

I am sure you will be very busy in the run up to Christmas, but I would like to invite you to the events that the Church is hosting to make Advent and Christmas special. As we have had to plan differently this year, we are celebrating in a new way, which we hope you will enjoy.Elvington Church

Information has been emailed to families with all the details of the family Christmas services at Elvington Holy Trinity church, and how to participate.

Christingle Church Service

Internet Service – 13th December at 10.30am

Service details, Christingle crafting instructions and everything
you need to take part in the service are provided in your Christingle crafting bag – please see the email for details of how to get one!

You can make your Christingle at home whenever you like, or better still, join in online – Sun 13th Dec @ 10.00am to make our Christingles together.

Please make a donation to The Children’s Society in the collection box at Church, or online at

If you can’t make the Service, please take a moment to make and light your Christingle while you say a prayer.

Christmas Eve Crib Service & Nativity Play

Thursday 24th December – the online service starts @ 4.00pm and will aim to be 45 mins long. (Join us from 3.45pm, to allow everyone to log in)

  • We are putting on an interactive Christmas Eve Nativity Play! Everyone can join in on the day.
  • Before the service, find some clothes to dress up in for the characters in the story e.g. a tea towel for Joseph, some tinsel for the angel, a doll for Jesus etc. Please also bring your sheep, donkeys, camels, and any other animals for the stable.
  • It will be great fun if we all join in/watch, as the story of what happened on the first Christmas night unfolds.

Christmas Day All Age Service

  • Come and celebrate the birth of Jesus at the All Age Service, online @ 10.30am
  • Join us online from 10.15am to allow everyone time to log in