Please see the attached letter regarding preparation for full opening from Monday 8th March 2021: Preparation for Full Opening – Monday 8th March 2021 (PDF) Preparation for Full Opening – Monday 8th March 2021 (Word) Drop Off and Pick Up…
Home Learning
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Lenovo ThinkPad Laptops
Dear Parents and Carers, Following a nomination form Mr. Ellis (Lorna and Scott’s father), we received 50 used Lenovo ThinkPad laptops from Network Rail. These devices were wiped of Network Rail Data with no operating system, antivirus or settings applied. …
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Key Stage 1 and EYFS Bubble Closure
Dear Parents/Carers, As I am sure you are all now aware, I was required to close our Key Stage 1 and EYFS bubble on Tuesday 9th February 2021. This decision was taken following consultation with Public Health England and the…
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Safer Internet Day

Click to view a larger .pdf version
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Update – 27/01/2021
Please see the attached letter. As always if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me… Update 27-01-2021 Kind regards, Mr. Andrew Buttery Headteacher Elvington Church of England Primary School Dauby Lane Elvington York YO41 4HP 01904…
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February Half Term
I have received the following information from the DfE this afternoon (26/01/2021): Schools will close as usual over February half-term and are not expected to remain open to vulnerable children and the children of critical workers during that week. Please…
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Supporting Home Learning Routines
Please see the attachment below, which was produced by the Education Endowment Foundation, in an attempt to support positive home learning routines. You could share this checklist with your child/ren, and use it to help them plan their new routines……
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Provision for Children of Critical Workers
We have experienced increased demand for critical worker places during this lockdown. I ask you to only use this provision if when/necessary. We can only allow children who are the children of critical workers or are identified as vulnerable to…
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A guide to connecting to Google Classroom from different devices
Please click on the links below for a guide to connecting to Google Classroom from different devices: A guide to connecting to Google Classroom from different devices (Word) A guide to connecting to Google Classroom from different devices (PDF) Kind regards, Mr.…
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Google Meet Guidance
From today (11/01/2021), your child will be provided with a live 30 minute lesson. The timings for the lessons will remain the same, each day, to avoid any clashes with other classes. These are as follows: – 09:00-09:30 EYFS –…