
Summer 1 Clubs 2025

Please see the letter below, which has also been emailed to families, for information about the clubs available in the first half of the Summer term. We will again be using the Parent Booking System for all school staff run clubs.  If you haven’t already done so, please give your consent for your details to be shared with this system.

Run a Mile, Homework and Story Club do not require booking.  Art and Dance Clubs are run independently and need to be booked directly with Mrs Smith and Haley. The booking system for school clubs will open at 6pm on Thursday, April 3rd and will close on Friday 25th April at 6pm.

Click for a larger .pdf version

Click here for more information about extra-curricular clubs and activities at Elvington Church of England Primary School.

Newsletter 21-03-2025

Please see below this week’s Newsletter!

  • Today is Comic Relief Day and children are welcome to come to school wearing red, or any other non uniform, to support the event.  Where possible, we ask that you make a small donation to this worthy charity using the ParentPay link.  More information can be found in the Newsletter.
  • Please see the information regarding Google Workspace for Education.  Consent needs to be given for your child to be able to access this service.
  • Don’t forget to visit the Under 5’s, at the village hall on Saturday, for Breakfast and a Toy Sale!

Newsletter 14-03-2025

Please see below this week’s Newsletter! Look out for Robinwood information, details regarding Red Nose Day and a reminder of the ‘Design a Warm Up Top’ competition for York City Knights, and please read Mr Buttery’s advice regarding the recent sickness in school.

Red Nose Day – Friday 21st March

Your donations make a very real difference to people in the UK and around the world, whether you donate through Red Nose Day, Sport Relief or to Comic Relief at any other time of year.

Amongst many other things they provide meals to local community centres in the UK, essential clothing for children in care and toiletries for young homeless people.

Children are welcome to attend school in red, or any other non-school uniform, and we ask that a small donation is made to this worthy cause please. You are able to donate via ParentPay using this link: Default.aspx?shopid=18554

York RLFC “design a warmup top” competition

York RLFC is delighted to bring back our popular “design a warmup top” competition for 2025!

Due to the success we’ve experienced over the past couple of years, we are once again giving local school children the opportunity to design a warm-up top.This season, York RLFC is encouraging entrants to design a bespoke warm up top that is completely Superhero themed!

This year, the winner will receive a free warm-up shirt in their design, a complimentary ticket to the game and get the opportunity to walk out with the players as a player mascot!

To Enter:

Download the design template attached to complete your design. All entries must be submitted to or handed into the Club Shop at the LNER Community Stadium by Monday 31st March.York RLFC

You can read more about the competition on the York RLFC website


Newsletter 07-03-2025

Please see below this week’s Newsletter! You will see by the photographs, the children had a fabulous time celebrating World Book Day! If anyone has any garden canes, that we could use in Eco Club, we would be very grateful if you could bring them in to school.  Many thanks.

Holiday Club at Elvington Out of School Club

We will be open Tuesday to Thursday, from 8am to 6pm, in half term. Please bring a packed lunch and water bottle, snacks will be provided. Please also bring wellies and coats as we like to be outside, whatever the weather.

Bookings to be made by email or by calling 07790 480229 (Please text or leave a message when there is no reply). Bookings cannot be made via school. Please book as soon as possible.Elvington Out of School Club

You can read more about the Out of School Club here.