
Holiday Club at Elvington Out of School Club

We will be open Tuesday to Thursday, from 8am to 6pm, in half term. Please bring a packed lunch and water bottle, snacks will be provided. Please also bring wellies and coats as we like to be outside, whatever the weather.

Bookings to be made by email or by calling 07790 480229 (Please text or leave a message when there is no reply). Bookings cannot be made via school. Please book as soon as possible.Elvington Out of School Club

You can read more about the Out of School Club here.


Newsletter 14-02-2025

Please see below this week’s Newsletter! Please look at the many activities happening locally over the half term, club information and details of a free session at The Little Gym, for EYFS and Key Stage 1 children.

Spring 2 Clubs

Please see the letter below, which has also been emailed to families, for information about the clubs available in the second half of the Spring term. Run a Mile, Homework and Reading Club do not require booking.  Art and Dance Clubs are run independently and need to be booked directly with Mrs Smith and Haley. The booking system for school clubs opens at 6pm today.  Numbers are limited and spaces are given on a ‘first come first served’ basis; please login to the system if your child would like to attend.

Click for a larger .pdf version

Newsletter 07-02-2025

Please see below this week’s Newsletter!

  • Please look closely at the information needed for booking next term’s school clubs and news of a Valentine sweet stall next Friday.
  • There are lots of activities for half term including free turn up and play sessions at York City Knights, free Planetarium Shows, an Art Exhibition and various clubs.
  • Take a look at our ‘Tub’ collection, we hope to feature in the York Press for our efforts in this campaign.  Thank you for your support with this.

Year 6 SATs Information for Parents & Carers

Please find below a copy of the PowerPoint about the Year 6 Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) used during the online information meeting for parents and carers taking place on Tuesday 4th February 2025:

Scroll through the slideshow below, or click here to download the presentation as a .pdf

In order to support the children with the spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG) aspect of the assessments, please find below the SPAG Companion:

Click for a larger .pdf version

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Kind regards,
Mr. Andrew Buttery BA (HONS), PGCE, NPQH, NPQEL, SMHL

Newsletter 31-01-2025

Please see below this week’s Newsletter! Look out for information regarding a SATs meeting taking place in February and how to book your Parents’ Evening appointment, if you haven’t already done so. Please note, the booking system for this event will close on Sunday 2nd February.

Thank you to everyone who has brought plastic tubs to school, next week is the final week for collecting these.

Newsletter 24-01-2025

Please see below this week’s Newsletter! This gives future term dates, information regarding the next PTA meeting and details of free Rugby Trials taking place at Huntington Stadium this Sunday.

Newsletter 17-01-2024

Please see below this week’s Newsletter! Look out for this week’s photographs, Robinwood and Parents’ Evening information as well as local events taking place soon. As always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch should you need any assistance.

Newsletter 10-01-2025

Good morning and happy new year to you all, please see below this week’s Newsletter! Look out for details of Elvington’s PTA Comedy event, taking place in March, tickets are selling fast!

Please note the menu change on Thursday 16th, due to census day, see information of events happening locally and photographs of the children enjoying their first week back at school.

Thank you for all who have brought tubs into school, please keep them coming!