
Newsletter 16-06-23

Please find this week’s Newsletter below.

Look out for exciting information from York Rugby League Football Club.

Please may we remind Class 5 parents to give consent on ParentPay for the upcoming trip.

Thank you.

Newsletter 09-06-23

Please find this week’s Newsletter below.
Menu alteration:  Due to freezer problems, ice cream was served yesterday so will not be on the menu today.

New KS2 Art Club for Summer 2

Lisa-Marie Smith, from Creative Avenue, will be running a Key Stage 2 Art Club after half term on Mondays, 3.15 – 4.15pm, at a charge of £2.50 per child, £17.50 for the 6 week term. This includes all materials & equipment, each child will go home with an artwork. A fun and relaxing session using lots of different materials! Please contact Mrs Greening in the office if your child would like to attend and to confirm if you are happy for email address to be passed along to Lisa.