
School Council Competition

The School Council have been working alongside Hannah, from Phunky Food, to promote healthy snacks at break time. Today, they planned and delivered an amazing assembly to the whole school.

They have also organised a competition to design a poster promoting healthy snacks. The poster will be used around school to highlight what foods are acceptable at break and why. There will be prizes for the winning entries. The closing date is Monday 17th October.

Instrumental/Vocal Tuition 2022-23

I am pleased to inform you that we are joining a pilot scheme led by York Music Education to reintroduce 1-1 or small group musical instrument lessons at Elvington. This is something we offered within school time prior to Covid-19. If your child is interested in learning how to play a particular instrument, please read the attached flyer and fill out the questionnaire.

Thank you, Miss Palmer

Click for a larger .pdf version

Christmas Card Designs – new deadline!

There were a few sad children today, as they had either forgotten their Christmas design or hadn’t managed to finish it in time.  For this reason, I have pushed back the collection date to Tuesday 11th October.
For every product sold the PTA gets a percentage paid to them.  The PTA supports the school by raising money to enhance, enrich and improve learning experiences and opportunities for the children.  We are therefore extremely grateful for your support with this project.  If your child needs a design sheet there is still time!
We used this company last year and the quality of the products was extremely high, making ideal Christmas Gifts for friends and relatives.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me should you need any further information.
Kind regards,Mrs Greening

Newsletter 07-10-22

Please note Class 2 sharing assembly is Friday 14th October.
Please find this week’s Newsletter below.  We would be most grateful if you could take note of the parking/driving situation around school, many thanks.
Please remember to hand Christmas designs into school today.

Need labels? PTA fundraiser!

Help us to win the battle with lost property by labelling your child’s belongings, and raise money for the PTA at the same time!

Remember to order using our unique school code of 6819 and you can help raise funds for the PTA!

Stikins are multipurpose name tags that can be used to label clothes and fabric items, shoes and bags, lunch boxes and water bottles, P.E. kits and stationery, and all kinds of other personal belongings. They stick on – no sewing or ironing required – so you can label everything in minutes and have been independently tested using the ISO6330 wash test procedure for 60 washes at 40 degrees; Stikins can be put through washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers, and microwaves.

The labels can be ordered at and if you enter our unique school code, which is 6819, before you checkout your order you can help to raise valuable funds for our fabulous PTA!


Newsletter 30-09-22 and Menu Information

Please find this week’s newsletter below.

Please note that Thursday 6th October is Census Day, the menu will change to a choice of Meat or Vegetarian Pizza and all KS1 Pupils will be offered this free of charge.  Those pupils are still able to bring a packed lunch should they prefer. Also each week, until the new menu is released next month, the sandwich options are as shown below:
  • Monday & Thursday – Cheese
  • Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday – Ham

Respect – Autumn Term 2022

Click for a larger .pdf version

The Christian Value we are particularly focusing on this half term is Respect.

We show respect by listening and cooperating with others, seeking to understand their point of view. Respect is treating others as we would wish to be treated ourselves.

This includes:

  • Listening to others’ speak
  • Using good manners
  • Being considerate of others’ feelings
  • Showing tolerance of others’ beliefs
  • Being thankful
  • Looking after our environment and community.

We were saddened to learn of the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.  As a mark of respect, we decided to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s life of service through art and poetry.

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.”

– Philippians 2:3
It would be wonderful to see a large proportion of the children taking part in the home-school challenge. You can explore this value at home using the resource on the right.