
Newsletter 03-02-23

Please find the this week’s Newsletter below. Please look out for lost property information, a School Vacancy and this week’s Roving Reporters!

Spring 2 Clubs List

Please find below the School Club list for Spring Term 2. In the main, this remains the same as the current term, there is no need to re-book your child into any of these clubs. Tuesday Multi-Sports is replaced with Key Stage 2 Hockey.  Please let the office know should you wish your child to attend this club.

Click for a larger .pdf version

Newsletter 20-01-23

Please see this week’s newsletter below.

Look out for information regarding the clothes bank, our new recycling project! We hope to see everyone enjoying the Class 4 cake stall at 3.15pm today.

Perseverance – Spring Term 2023

Click for a larger .pdf version

The Christian Value we are particularly focusing on this half term is Perseverance.

There’s the old adage that says, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” This captures the essence of perseverance. When things get hard, and often they do, it is the persistence and determination to carry on that ultimately brings success. As Headteacher at Elvington I firmly believe that your children can achieve anything they want, if they are prepared to keep trying, keep trying and keep trying. Various studies have shown that perseverance is an essential quality for success in life. In fact, perseverance often tops aptitude and raw talent.

Persevering entails effort and practice. This half term, we will be talking to the children about persevering and believing in themselves. We will remind them just how important a ‘growth mindset’ is and celebrate their determination and willingness to always be their best. This is highlighted by the display in the hall, which includes contributions from all five of Elvington’s classes.

“And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Hebrews 12:1-2

It would be wonderful to see a large proportion of the children taking part in the home-school challenge. You can explore this value at home using the attached resource.

Clothes Recycling

We are delighted to have taken delivery of a Clothes Recycling Bank, which will be available for the whole community to use.  Not only will this assist in the reduction of clothes going to landfill, it will help the school financially as we will receive a payment each time the bin is emptied.  Recyclable bags are readily available from the office if required. Please see the documents below for further information.