
Keyring Sale

Jack, Reggie, Jayden, Thomas, Archie and Noah are selling keyrings to raise money for the people of Ukraine. You can buy the keyrings, on Friday 6th May at 3.15 pm for £1 each, at the shelter in the school playground.

I am sure many of you will want to support the boys in their efforts to help this worthy cause.

Newsletter 29-04-22

Please find below our new digital Newsletter. It includes class organisation details, assembly and production information, the Roving Reporters article and a ‘leftover recipe’ which may encourage the children to cook you a meal!

Newsletter 08-04-22

Click for a larger .pdf version!

‘Explore Libraries’ are delivering some fantastic, free activities over the Easter holidays as part of the  Reading Pictures Seeing Festival.  Please see here for more information.