
Menu Alteration w/c 22-03-21

Due to delivery problems, the school cook is having to swap the menu choices around for Monday and Tuesday of next week; please see the revised menu below.

Click for a larger .pdf version

Elvington Scout Group – Daffodil Sale


*The daffodils have arrived and they look lovely! They will be at the school gates at the time you collect your child/ren*

Mrs Stead and Mrs Wedgewood kindly do an annual ‘Door to Door Daffodil Sale’, to raise much needed funds for the Elvington Scout Group. Sadly, due to COVID-19 restrictions, this can’t take place this year.

Instead, they are hoping to sell them from the gates of houses in and around Elvington. On Friday 19th March, there will be a bucket of daffodils outside the school gate.

An honesty box will be provided with the suggested donation of £1. You can also donate using the following link:

Money raised will assist in the repair of the Scout Hut roof.

Message from Elvington Out Of School Club

From the 8th MARCH

As we are currently working with minimal staff, it is important that you make a booking if you need a child place from 8th March. We will be returning to Key Stage 1 & 2 staggered pick up times. Wherever possible, please give 48 hours notice.


We are looking at the possibility of opening Monday 29th March- Thursday 1st April and Tuesday 6th April – Thursday 8th April, if numbers are sufficient. Please let me know as soon as possible if you require a holiday place, so staffing decisions can be made. Bookings can be made by email or by calling 07790 480229 (Please text or leave a message when there is no reply, this will always be picked up by 3pm).

Please note this is an independent organisation, bookings cannot be made via the school.Mrs Challis, Elvington Out Of School Club