Dear Parents/Carers, If you have received an email from me confirming that your child/ren are either children of key workers or vulnerable children the following will apply tomorrow: Children should be dropped off and collected at the predesignated times below.…
Class 1 News, Class 2 News, Class 3 News, Class 4 News, Class 5 News, Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates, Home Learning, News
January Lockdown
Dear Parents/Carers, I am currently looking at the implications of the Government’s announcement about schools and will be getting advice out to you as soon as possible. I will need to breakdown the details of the announcement and map the…
Class 1 News, Class 2 News, Class 3 News, Class 4 News, Class 5 News, News
Confirmation of opening – Tuesday 5th January 2021
Please see the letters attached to this post. As always if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me… Kind regards, Mr. Andrew Buttery Tuesday 5th January 2021 (PDF) Tuesday 5th January 2021 (Word) Letter re…
Class 1 News, News
Application Deadline for Primary School Places – A Reminder
The deadline is fast approaching for “on time” applications for a school place for September 2021!
For more information about this, please visit the City of York Council website and our page about Admissions Arrangements.
Class 1 News, Class 2 News, Class 3 News, Class 4 News, Class 5 News, News
Update – 02/01/2021
Dear Parents/Carers, I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year; although the uncertainty which has been developing since my last communication on Wednesday 30th December is palpable. As you will be aware, there have been a number…
Class 1 News, Class 2 News, Class 3 News, Class 4 News, Class 5 News, News
Tuesday 5th January 2021
Good afternoon, I hope you have all had an enjoyable Christmas… I would like to confirm that pupils will return to Elvington Church of England Primary School on Tuesday 5th January 2021; following our INSET day on Monday 4th January.…
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates, News, Newsletters
Newsletter 18/12/20
Click here to download the letter as a .pdf
Please see below a copy of the Spring Menu from Caterlink. This is subject to a slight change early next year but week 1 should remain the same.
News, Newsletters
Newsletter 11-12-20
Click here to download the letter as a .pdf
- Click to view a larger .pdf version
Class 1 News, Class 2 News, Class 3 News, Class 4 News, Class 5 News, News
Department for Education Announcement
Dear Parents and Carers, The Department for Education (DfE) released the following information earlier this afternoon: To ensure that staff get the time off they need and deserve, schools may wish to use an INSET day, making Friday 18 December…
News, Newsletters
Newsletter 4-12-20
Click here to download the letter as a .pdf
- Click to view a larger version