
York School Sports Network Speed Bounce Challenge

We have been asked to step up for a Challenge! We are looking for pupils to take part in a virtual competition. For this challenge, you will need a towel, balance, coordination and stamina!

Place a rolled up towel on the floor or row of cones. Stand feet together with the towel/cones next to the outside of one of your feet. Jump sideways over the towel/ cones making sure your feet stay together finishing with the cone on the outside of the opposite foot. Repeat back and too as fast as you can in 20 seconds.

Each bounce equals 1 point.

Try as many times as you like, but your score will start to reduce if you get too tired. Once finished, go online to register your best score. This way, you can help our school to win the Speed Bounce Challenge!

Either login to and use the username and password, or use the URL, that were in the letter sent out to families.

Competition Success for the School Council !

A big well done to the School Council for winning 2nd prize in a competition entered before lockdown. The £500 cash prize was awarded by the Rotary Club.

The Council successfully put forward a case for improving and extending the play area, to include a bark chip surface where tyres, logs and other natural resources can be used. In the future, they would like to add a summer house, raised beds and reflection area. This money will help kick start this project.

Reminder about Secondary Applications

Just a quick reminder for parents and carers of children in Year 6 that the deadline for secondary school applications is the 31st October, during the half term holiday!

Click here to see our page with more information about applying for a place at secondary school.



Donation from the WPA Benevolent Foundation

On behalf of everyone at Elvington Church of England Primary School, I would like to pass on my utmost thanks to the WPA Benevolent Foundation.

The WPA have approved a grant application for new playground equipment.  This will allow us to purchase equipment to the value of £3300.  We are immensely appreciative of this generous support which will benefit children throughout school.