Dear Parents/Carers, Please find below the relevant home learning tasks for week beginning Monday 6th July 2020. Once the children complete the activities, please feel free to share these with us on our Twitter page or via the email addresses…
Class 1 News, Class 2 News, Class 3 News, Class 4 News, Class 5 News, News
Update – 03/07/2020
Dear Parents/Carers, As I am sure you will be aware, the Government recently announced a catch up plan to address the disruption to children’s education during the Covid-19 pandemic: It has been widely reported that this will provide schools…
Class 1 News, Class 2 News, Class 3 News, Class 4 News, Class 5 News, Home Learning, News
Elvington Home Learning Projects – Week 12
Dear Parents/Carers, Please find below the relevant home learning tasks for week beginning Monday 29th June 2020. Once the children complete the activities, please feel free to share these with us on our Twitter page or via the email addresses…
Class 1 News, Class 2 News, Class 3 News, Class 4 News, Class 5 News, News
Update – 26/06/2020
Dear Parents/Carers, While the Government has announced the relaxation of the ‘2 metre rule’, the clear advice is that 2 meters should be maintained where possible. This is particularly important when prolonged contact is required between individuals, unless a range…
Class 1 News, Class 2 News, Class 3 News, Class 4 News, Class 5 News, Home Learning, News
Elvington Home Learning Projects – Week 11
Dear Parents/Carers, Please find below the relevant home learning tasks for week beginning Monday 22nd June 2020. Once the children complete the activities, please feel free to share these with us on our Twitter page or via the email addresses…
Class 1 News, Class 2 News, Class 3 News, Class 4 News, Class 5 News, News
Update – 19/06/2020
Dear Parents/Carers, The class teachers have really enjoyed speaking to the vast majority of our families (who don’t currently have their children in school) over the course of this week. As was stated in each of the aforementioned conversations, the…
Class 1 News, Class 2 News, Class 3 News, Class 4 News, Class 5 News, Home Learning, News
Elvington Home Learning Projects – Week 10
Dear Parents/Carers, Please find below the relevant home learning tasks for week beginning Monday 15th June 2020. Once the children complete the activities, please feel free to share these with us on our Twitter page or via the email addresses…
Class 1 News, Class 2 News, Class 3 News, Class 4 News, Class 5 News, Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates, Home Learning, News
Elvington staff videos & statement on ‘live online teaching’
Dear Parents/Carers, Please follow the various links below to access videos made by Elvington’s staff. These videos will hopefully maintain a connection with your child/ren and their teacher. In case you missed these recordings when they were first released, they…
Class 1 News, Class 2 News, Class 3 News, Class 4 News, Class 5 News, News
Update – 11/06/2020
Dear Parents/Carers, I wanted to make you aware that class teachers will be contacting the parents/carers of those children in their class who are not currently attending school. These calls will take place next week (week beginning Monday 15th June),…
Class 1 News, Class 2 News, Class 3 News, Class 4 News, Class 5 News, News
Update – 10/06/2020
Dear Parents/Carers, Speaking yesterday in the House of Commons, Gavin Williamson (Secretary of State for Education) confirmed that the Government is not able to open primaries, to all children, for a month before the summer. Mr Williamson stated: “We continue…