
Year 6 Practice Papers

Over the coming weeks, Year 6 pupils will be bringing home CGP practice papers in both Mathematics and English. For your information, both sets of papers will be accompanied with an answer booklet, which will assist you in supporting your…

School Council Bring and Buy Sale

cartoon koala bear

The School Council met last week and discussed if a Bring and Buy sale could be held to raise money to assist Australian animals. This was agreed and will be held on Friday 31st January 3.15pm – 3.30pm in the playground.

Please donate any clean, usable and complete, toys, jig-saws, books or arts and craft articles. All items will be sold for a £1

Menu Change 23rd/24th January

As the children will be having a Chinese Style lunch on Friday to celebrate the Chinese New Year, the ‘Fish Friday menu’ will be served on Thursday to avoid disappointment. This includes the usual vegetarian option of Cheese Wrap.

Menu Change 16th/17th January

On Thursday 16th January we are changing the menu and serving Fish and Chips, which always proves a popular choice.
As always, there will be vegetables and choice from the salad bar. There will be the usual vegetarian option of Cheese Wrap and Jacket Potato with Jelly for dessert.
Thursday’s menu of Spaghetti Bolognaise will swap to Friday.