
Newsletter 19-07-2024

Please see below this week’s Newsletter. There are lots of ideas to keep the children entertained over the school holidays, including a flyer from North Yorkshire Sport who are offering an afternoon session for 4 afternoons in the holidays  – its free and open to anyone 6+! Please remember, the PTA are holding a sweet stall after school today, all sweets £1. We are extremely grateful for your support. We have also attached next term’s school clubs and a customer notice from The School Shop.

Please visit, to see some photographs from yesterday’s musical extravaganza!

Newsletter 12-07-2024

Please see below this week’s Newsletter. 

Please feel free to have a look in the Star Barn for any of your child’s uniform needs for next September. A big thank you to Dr Brackenbury who has spent many hours this week establishing a clean, neat and organised barn interior with the clothes displayed in age order. There are lots of nearly new items of all ages. Please help us maintain this orderly space whilst browsing.

Should you have any laundered uniform you would like to donate, please could you bring them to reception rather than leaving them in the barn. Thank you in advance.

Newsletter 05-07-2024

Please see below this week’s Newsletter. Please can Key Stage 2 parents/carers pay particular attention to the information regarding Treasure Island.

Could all Mini Marathon money be brought into school, by Monday 8th July, in a sealed, named envelope please.

Newsletter 28-06-2024

Please see below this week’s Newsletter. This includes updated information from the PTA regarding recent and upcoming events, (including this afternoon’s collection for bottles by Mrs Atolagbe and Mrs Palmer) as well as forthcoming school dates.

Newsletter 21-06-2024

Please see below this week’s Newsletter. For our swashbuckling KS2 performance ‘Treasure Island’ we are in need of some plastic toy daggers and swords.  If you have any, that you wouldn’t mind lending to us, we would be very grateful.  They would, of course, be well looked after.

Newsletter 14-06-2024

Please see below this week’s Newsletter. This week, please look out for information regarding the PTA event ‘Frozen Friday’, which takes place after school, and the popular ‘Summer School Disco’, happening next month.

Newsletter 23-05-2024

Please see below this week’s Newsletter. There are lots of ideas for the half term break included, alongside many new dates for your diary. We hope you have a fabulous half term!