
Summer Sporting News

We have an action-packed half term of sport ahead! Sports Week will take place from Monday 2nd to Friday 6th July, with Sports Day planned for the afternoon of Tuesday 3rd July.  On Wednesday 4th Year 1 will take part…

Menu Change – 05.06.18

Please be aware that due to the availability of some ingredients, the dinner menu for Tuesday 5th June will be changed to Monday 4th’s advertised meal choices of pork or vegetarian sausages in a bun with wedges, and pear crumble and…

Year 2 Skipping Festival

Our Year 2 children are invited to take part in a skipping festival to be held at Fulford School in July (details to follow). They are currently receiving training so that they are competent skippers. There are skipping ropes for sale in the office, priced at £5.00, if you want to skip at home!