
Extended free childcare

(30 free hours for 3 and 4 year olds) We are pleased to confirm that the online checker for parents/carers for the extended free childcare entitlement is now live and can be found at the following link: Parents/carers wishing…

Welcome to the Autumn Term

autumnWelcome back after the summer break, we hope you have all had a fantastic summer and are well rested and ready for another exciting year ahead. A big welcome to all our new starters and their families.


If your child was awarded a trophy at the end of last year, please could you return it to school as soon as possible – we are still waiting for one or two!


Actually, it IS rocket science!

We are lucky to be one of 10,000 schools across the country who have been given the opportunity to take part in a UK-wide live science experiment, growing rocket plants from seeds that may have been been to space and stayed with Tim Peake on the International Space Station!

We received two sets of seeds, in colour coded packets and we know that just one of these sets of seeds has travelled to space.  However, we don’t know which colour packet contained the ordinary rocket seeds, and which were the Rocket seeds! Every child in Key Stage 2 was allocated two seeds to sow, one from each set.  We are carefully looking after them and will report back our results to the national project.

You can find out more about the experiment on the RHS website.


Walk to School Week

shokunin-Walk-cycle-boy-300px1400991164-300pxNext Monday marks the start of Walk to School Week. We’d like to ask every family to make every effort to walk at least some of the way to school next week, perhaps parking a little distance away from the school gates, if you have to drive. Every class will have a Walk to School chart to monitor who is making the most journeys on foot, by bike or on a scooter.

Don’t forget the meeting about the Northumberland trip!

HadriansWallOn Wednesday 18th May there will be the final meeting about this year’s residential trip to Northumberland. Miss Richards will go through the final itinerary, share a kit list and discuss medication needs. Children are welcome to attend as the countdown to a fantastic residential begins.