The Christian value that will be considered this week is ‘Thankfulness’ Our school community has many things to be thankful for. Mrs Rogers is thankful of all her staff for providing an exciting, ambitious and nuturing school experience for all our…
News, Newsletters
Elvington News 26/9/14
This week’s Newsletter is now online!
Class 5 News, News
A Visit from the Rock Man
We had a fabulous time learning all about rocks!
You can see more pictures in the school photo album.
Happy New (School) Year!
We hope you have had a lovely summer. Welcome back!
News, Sport and PE
Bronze Award from the Youth Sport Trust!
We are delighted to have been awarded the Bronze Quality Mark by Youth Sport Trust.
News, Sport and PE
Sports Day Photographs
Our yellow bikes!
Thank you to Miss Gatenby and Mr Rhodes, who between them have managed to supply our school with three yellow bikes to commemorate the Grand Depart. I’m sure you all agree that they look great outside our school and have…
Class 5 News, News
Year 5 and 6 Residential Back at 5pm
Mrs MacDonald is planning to return from the residential at 5pm, hopefully avoiding the traffic. She has kept Mrs Rogers up-to-date during the trip and yesterday said how proud she was of all the children, yet again they have been…
News, Newsletters
Elvington News 6/6/14
The latest newsletter is now available online!