
Christian Value for this week is Thankfulness

The Christian value that will be considered this week is ‘Thankfulness’ Our school community has many things to be thankful for. Mrs Rogers is thankful of all her staff for providing an exciting, ambitious and nuturing school experience for all our…

Bronze Award from the Youth Sport Trust!

We are delighted to have been awarded the Bronze Quality Mark by Youth Sport Trust.

The Youth Sport Trust is an independent charity devoted to changing young people’s lives through sport. Established in 1994, we are passionate about helping all young people to achieve their full potential in life by delivering high quality physical education and sport

YST Bronze Quality Mark logo 2013-14 RGB

Our yellow bikes!

Thank you to Miss Gatenby and Mr Rhodes, who between them have managed to supply our school with three yellow bikes to commemorate the Grand Depart. I’m sure you all agree that they look great outside our school and have…