
Newsletter 03-03-23

Please find this week’s Newsletter below.

Please look out for the exciting activities taking place over the Easter Holidays in York (these are free to children receiving income related free school meals) and photographs of the children enjoying World Book Day. Many thanks to Mrs Bowyer, Dr Bray and Mrs Musson for providing props for the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party; the children were delighted.

Have a super weekend!

Newsletter 24-02-23

Please see below to this week’s Newsletter; look out for Mr Buttery’s update, the Roving Reporters and new Diary Dates. Have a fabulous weekend!

Newsletter 03-02-23

Please find the this week’s Newsletter below. Please look out for lost property information, a School Vacancy and this week’s Roving Reporters!

Newsletter 20-01-23

Please see this week’s newsletter below.

Look out for information regarding the clothes bank, our new recycling project! We hope to see everyone enjoying the Class 4 cake stall at 3.15pm today.

Newsletter 13-01-23

Please see this week’s Newsletter below.
Please look out for details regarding a change in Menu next week, a Catering Vacancy and information regarding the PTA Movie Night.