
Newsletter 22-09-23

Please find this week’s Newsletter below.  Please look out for news of a cake sale, which some of our children are working hard on, to support a local cancer charity. For those attending, please return your Young Voices order today.

Newsletter 08-09-23

We hope everyone had a lovely summer and has enjoyed this week’s sunny weather. Please find this week’s Newsletter below. Our updated privacy notices have also been emailed to families along with the newsletter for your perusal.

Newsletter 14-07-23

Please find this week’s Newsletter below.

Please note there are no clubs next week. Clubs will recommence on Monday 11th September.

Look out for the exciting news regarding the recycling of school shoes and trainers, together we can make a huge difference to the future of our environment! Thank you.

Newsletter 07-07-23

Please find this week’s Newsletter below. Please familiarise yourself with the new school start time commencing at the beginning of the next academic year. The club list for the Autumn term has also been emailed to families along with this week’s letter; please complete and return to the office email, should your child be interested in a place.

You may like to view the free ‘Raring to Go’ magazine which is full of family activities and ideas for the summer holiday.

Newsletter 30-06-23

Please find this week’s Newsletter below. Please note, Friday 7th July is CLASS 1’s cake stall, not Class 2’s as stated last week.  Apologies for this confusion.