PTA Message – Volunteers Needed

We are still looking for volunteers to support the running of stalls during the Summer Fete on Friday 14th July.

Without the support of volunteers, it may not be possible for the event to go ahead. If you are willing to support the running of a stall for part of the event, please let Mrs Hartley-Bonner know via the PTA email: elvingtonpta@yahoo.comElvington PTA


PTA message – Non Uniform Day

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please see the information below regarding a Non-Uniform day organised by the PTA on Thursday 25th May. Instead of contributing money for the non-uniform day, we would be grateful for donations that can be used in a raffle during the PTA Summer Fete on Friday 14th July.

We would prefer no alcoholic donations due to alcohol being served at the Summer Fete.

Thank you,Elvington PTA

Click to enlarge

PTA & Fundraising

Elvington PTA are a fun loving group of Parents/Staff/Community members that love to meet and discuss fundraising events for Elvington Church of England Primary School. Should you be interested in helping this lovely team, please contact Emma Hartley on Thank you!Elvington PTA

You can read more about our fabulous PTA here.

Message from the PTA

PTA Meeting

The PTA would like to warmly welcome all parents to a meeting taking place on Wednesday 8th March 6:00-7:00pm, here at school. We would love for anybody interested in supporting the PTA to come along. The main focus of the meeting will be discussing potential plans for a Summer Fete at the end of the school year, held at school.

We are a friendly team who would love to get together with other parents to discuss fundraising ideas. You are in no way obligated to assist in the running of any event.Elvington PTA

You can find out more about the PTA on this page of our website.

Clothes Recycling – an update!

We are delighted to invite the school and wider community to use our newly installed clothes bank, which will raise money for the school, assist good causes and prevent clothing going to land fill.

UPDATE – WE HAVE HAD OUR FIRST COLLECTION AND HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED £83.40 – Thank you to everyone who has donated.

PTA Movie Night

As this is a PTA event it will not be on ParentPay, therefore, please send £4 cash in a named envelope with your child on Friday morning.

Dear Parents and Carers,

Elvington PTA would like to present our first movie night of the year! We will be showing Disney’s Lightyear in the school hall on Friday 27th January 2023. This will be £4 per child and include the film, drink, and sweets.

Please note that this is a PG movie and needs your consent. We will assume that by permitting your child to attend you are aware that this is a PG rating and are happy for us to show the movie to your child.

The money raised from this event will be paying towards the iPad contract, which are used across the school. We really hope that your children will look forward to this event as much as we are.

Thank you as always for your support. Elvington PTA Team

Click for a larger .pdf version

PTA News – Christmas Disco Fundraising

A huge thank you to Elvington PTA for organising the Christmas discos for KS1 and KS2. The PTA made £219.45 profit from the event, which will go towards resources and exciting opportunities for children in school.

Watch this space for upcoming PTA events this half term.

Elvington Christmas Trail

Please see the information below regarding the return of the fabulous PTA Elvington Christmas Trail.

Click for a larger .pdf version

The PTA supports the school by raising money to enhance, enrich and improve learning experiences and opportunities for the children. 100% of the profits, from the sale of maps, goes directly to this wonderful organisation.