Sport and PE

Summer 1 Clubs Letter

Please see below the clubs letter for the first half of the Summer term; a copy of this has also been sent home to families by email.

Click for a larger .pdf version

Save the Date – Virtual London Marathon

I am pleased to confirm the schools entry into the virtual London Marathon. This will take place instead of a sharing assembly on Friday 19th April, where each child can take part in running or walking laps of the playground to receive a TCS Schools London Marathon certificate. The school will also receive a trophy to celebrate us all taking part in the event. Parents and carers will be invited to cheer the pupils round. More details to follow after Easter.Mrs Leach

Non Uniform Day – Reminder

Good afternoon,

Just a reminder that this Friday 23rd we are celebrating what makes us unique by having a non uniform day. There is a suggested donation of £1 per child. The money raised will be added to my London Marathon fund raising total for the PTA.

Cash donations or donations on my Just Giving page are welcome on or before the day.

My Just Giving page is

Click to go to the Just Giving campaign

Please be aware, if using page, that there is a set minimum donation by Just Giving of £2. Also, please note you do not have to add a tip on the Just Giving page, it can be set to zero, as this does not reduce any fees that we pay for having the page.

Any cash donations will be collected from the children in class on Friday morning.

Thank you to those who have already donated and I look forward to seeing the children in all their glory on Friday.

Best wishes,Mrs Leach

Mrs Leach to run from York to London and back again 2023 to 2024**

I’m excited to let you know that I’ve been fortunate enough to secure a ballot place in next year’s London Marathon to be held on the 21st of April 2024.

As a result, I am delighted to inform you that I am using this fantastic opportunity to raise money for the PTFA at the school. All money raised will provide vital resources and enrichment experiences for our amazing pupils that the school might not otherwise be able to afford.

With the support of the school and the PTFA, I am planning to arrange several events from now until the race that will involve all the children in my training, help highlight the fun of exercise and also the benefit of bringing a growth mindset into class every day. The picture attached is from when I last ran the marathon in 2015, and you can read my story here.

**This refers to the potential training miles involved in preparing for the event but may be subject to a competition, so not going to be giving too much away!Mrs Leach

Autumn 1 Clubs Letter

School Clubs will recommence next week and there are still places at each of them.  Please see the clubs letter for the first half of the Autumn term below; a copy of this has also been sent home to families by email.

Click for a larger .pdf version

Please let Mrs Greening in the office know as soon as possible if your child is interested in the Chess Club as we may need to cancel this if there is not enough interest.

Click here for more information about extra-curricular activities at Elvington Church of England Primary School.

Wear your sporty outfit day!

The School Council would like to raise money to buy some new football nets. They have been working alongside Hannah from Phunky Foods as their role as Phunky Food Ambassadors. They have already produced a short video to tell the Phunky Food what they would like to do to promote healthy living within school.

On Monday 19th June, they would like you to make a voluntary contribution to wear your favourite sporty outfit to school. (Suggested donation of £1-2.)

Any money they make will be matched by funds from the PE budget. They do hope you will support their plans.