Sport and PE

Mini Marathon Sponsorship Form

During our annual Sports Week which begins on Monday June 21st, all pupils will be taking part in our annual fundraising event: The Mini Marathon. Unfortunately this year, parents will be unable to support this event by attending and children will be running within their class bubbles. All monies raised will support the improvement of school resources.


Please can all sponsor money be returned to the class teacher by Tuesday 6th July 2021. Many thanks for all your support.

Mini Marathon 2021 (.pdf format)

Mini Marathon 2021 (.docx format)

Mini Marathon

Our annual fund raising event, the Mini marathon, is due to take place in our Sports’ week; week beginning 21st June 2021.

Unfortunately this year our children will be taking part within their class bubbles without the usual parent supporters to cheer them on. The children will be running laps of a course set out within the school grounds and will be asking for sponsorship to raise money for school funds. They will have an hour to see how many laps they can do. They are able to walk or run during this time and will have access to a water station. The children will be bringing home sponsorship forms in due course. We do hope that you will support your child in this fun event. Thank you,Mrs Granger

Year 6 Bikeability

This term, Year 6 pupils have the opportunity to take part in Bikeability training. There will be 4 x 2 hour sessions, 9.30 – 11.30 am, Monday 24th May to Thursday 27th May. If you are happy for your child to take part, please read and complete the consent form which has been emailed to families of children in Year 6, and return this by 12th May 2021.
Bikeability is the national cycle training programme supported and partly funded by the Department for Transport. The course builds the skills and confidence of children who can already ride. Bikeability can not only make children better cyclists – potentially for the rest of their lives – but can help with general confidence and independent thinking.  All of our Bikeability training is delivered by qualified, professional, DBS checked National Standard Instructors.
Bikeability will be delivered in line with current Covid-19 government guidance for schools. Parents/carers must accept responsibility for the risk of transmission of Covid-19 to their child, complete a thorough bike check, notify school of sanitizer allergies and identity vulnerable children and children living with vulnerable adults.  Visit for more information.Bikeability

Sustrans Big Pedal 2021

We are taking part in Sustrans Big Pedal 2021, the UK’s largest inter-school cycling, walking, wheeling and scooting challenge. The challenge runs from 19 April to 30 April. It’s free and we would love everyone to be involved.

Click to visit the Big Pedal website

We would like to encourage your child(ren) to take active journeys to school on as many days as possible during the event, and join them on their way. You can scooter, cycle or walk. If you have to travel by car because of where you live, you could always park a short distance away from school to still take part.

Sustrans Big Pedal is a great way to get children active, which is important for physical health and mental wellbeing. Active school runs also help to reduce congestion and air pollution outside the school gate. Covid-19 has made active travel to school is even more important. The Department for Education have said encouraging active travel to school helps “to enable pupils to be physically active while encouraging physical distancing.”

York School Sports Network Speed Bounce Challenge

We have been asked to step up for a Challenge! We are looking for pupils to take part in a virtual competition. For this challenge, you will need a towel, balance, coordination and stamina!

Place a rolled up towel on the floor or row of cones. Stand feet together with the towel/cones next to the outside of one of your feet. Jump sideways over the towel/ cones making sure your feet stay together finishing with the cone on the outside of the opposite foot. Repeat back and too as fast as you can in 20 seconds.

Each bounce equals 1 point.

Try as many times as you like, but your score will start to reduce if you get too tired. Once finished, go online to register your best score. This way, you can help our school to win the Speed Bounce Challenge!

Either login to and use the username and password, or use the URL, that were in the letter sent out to families.

Big Pedal

Click to visit the Big Pedal website

This spring our school will be taking part in Big Pedal. This is a national event designed to encourage parents and children to cycle, scoot or walk to school. The event will begin Monday 25th March and end on Friday 5th April. For those that have a distance to travel, please remember that if you park a short way from school and walk, it counts too!

Learning about Judo

The children enjoyed a visit from a Judo Instructor who demonstrated the modern Japanese martial art, which is designed to train both body and mind. Children learnt that Judo, meaning ‘gentle way’, is an alternative method of enjoying exercise and keeping fit.