8 children in Class 2 took part in a Rapid Fire Cricket Competition at Archbishop Holgate’s School on Wednesday. At the event, which was organised by Yorkshire Cricket, they enjoyed playing friendly and fun matches against several other schools from the area. Well done to all the children that took part in this sporting event.
Sport and PE
News, Sport and PE
Summer Sporting News
We have an action-packed half term of sport ahead! Sports Week will take place from Monday 2nd to Friday 6th July, with Sports Day planned for the afternoon of Tuesday 3rd July. On Wednesday 4th Year 1 will take part…
News, Sport and PE
Year 2 Skipping Festival
Our Year 2 children are invited to take part in a skipping festival to be held at Fulford School in July (details to follow). They are currently receiving training so that they are competent skippers. There are skipping ropes for sale in the office, priced at £5.00, if you want to skip at home!
News, Sport and PE
After School Clubs Summer 2018
Full details of the clubs are available online and the link to this has been emailed home; you can also access the online registration for the summer term clubs from that email. There are a few places in some clubs…
News, Sport and PE
Physical Education Questionnaire
As part of our physical education provision, we would like to hear your opinions on the after school activities that are currently on offer, as well as about your child’s swimming experience. This will enable us to cater for children’s interests in the future, and to fulfil our statutory requirement to publish our swimming statistics.
Your answers will remain anonymous: all we ask is that you specify which Key Stage your child is currently in.
The questionnaire can be found on SurveyMonkey and a link has been emailed to families; if you encounter any issues please contact Miss Shepherd in the school office.
News, Sport and PE
Sporting News
Last night 10 pupils in Y3/4 took part in the Kwik Cricket competition at Fulford secondary school. Miss Palmer has spoken very highly of the children who represented our school and I am delighted to hear they all demonstrated exceptional teamwork. Very well done.
Tomorrow morning we are looking forward to a visit from the British Judo Association. Every child will take part in a half hour taster session. We are looking forward to it already.
News, Sport and PE
Spring Term After School Clubs
After School Clubs Spring 2018 Day Club Who Where Time When More details Monday EYFS/KS1 Gymnastics Mr Simms – Premier Sports www.sport.premier-education.com Hall Clubs run from 3:15-4:15pm First Half Term Commitment is for half a term at a time, maximum…
News, Sport and PE
School Games Silver Award
News, Sport and PE
Soccer Superstars!
We had our first football match of the year against St. Mary’s this week. The team worked incredibly hard as a team, lining up passes for each other, playing with great control and determination.
This resulted in a well-deserved 2-0 win for Elvington!
News, Sport and PE
Cross Country Competition
An amazing effort!