The giant inflatable was a great addition to Sports Week!
The giant inflatable was a great addition to Sports Week!
Phunky Foods visited us. We had an assembly all about making healthy choices, and Class 2 had a snack-making workshop!
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Next Monday marks the start of Walk to School Week. We’d like to ask every family to make every effort to walk at least some of the way to school next week, perhaps parking a little distance away from the school gates, if you have to drive. Every class will have a Walk to School chart to monitor who is making the most journeys on foot, by bike or on a scooter.
Class 2 dancing for Sport Relief
Sports Relief Day is on Friday 18th March this year. Your child is invited to bring in £1 to dress up in any ‘dance themed’ outfit; ballet, street dance, tap, jazz, freestyle!
Staff will be also be taking part and there is a fun packed afternoon of dance and exercise planned!
Active Kids has now launched in Sainsbury’s stores. This year Active Kids has so much more to offer and it is great to get the children in our school some exciting new sports and cooking equipment. Please drop off any vouchers in the collection box which is located in the Key Stage 1 entrance.
The children thoroughly enjoyed using the equipment to explore and develop their skills in balancing, travelling and working together to create sequences!
The children in Key Stage 1 worked with the partnership coach developing their PE skills through games outside.