Sport and PE

Gym Festival

The gymnastics team includes children from different year groups and classes.

The Gym Team Go To The Festival

Today they attended the gym festival at Archbishop Holgate’s school, together with children from schools across York.


Youth Sport Trust Silver Award

As well as keeping us fit and being lots of fun, all our hard work in sports and P.E. has earned us the silver award from the Youth Sport Trust!

The Youth Sport Trust is an independent charity devoted to changing young people’s lives through sport. Established in 1994, we are passionate about helping all young people to achieve their full potential in life by delivering high quality physical education and sport

Courageous Climbing!

Climbing WallAll the children took up the challenge of climbing to the top of the climbing wall on Monday: and we even had some staff members showing their skills too!  If every child had managed to climb to the top we would have climbed a total of 3600ft, almost an eighth of Mount Everest!

Sports Week 2015

This week it has been our school sports week. We have tried lots of different activities and have had plenty of visitors in school to inspire us. We played tennis with Mr Ward, football coaching from Mike who is from York city…