Sport and PE

York City supporting our school

YorkCitySupportYork City, as well as Bennenden Health, has supported classes one & two this term by running a healthy schools workshop. The children learnt all about a healthy diet and regular exercise. They were all very kindly given a water bottle at the end of the day.

Thank you!

School Sports Week

Monday 22nd June- Friday 26th June 2015 It will be soon our Sports Week! Please make sure all children have a full kit in school, including outside gear! I have organised lots of exciting activities for the children to participate…

Athletics Club

People runningPaula Bird will be running our out of school athletics club this half term. This has been hugely popular in the past and I am hoping it will be again. The club is running on Wednesdays after school; if you are interested in taking part please speak to Mrs Crinnion in the school office.

Our Cross Country Superstars!

Cross Country Finalists

We’d like to wish “Good luck” to all our cross country finalists.

Next Wednesday they will be travelling to Catterick race course in order to compete against other children from across York and North Yorkshire. We wish them all the best and hope they enjoy themselves!