Blog Archives
KS2 Astro Campus Trip
Bring your pets to Church!
Sutton Upon Derwent Church, Sunday 6th November, 4pm. Refreshments afterwards.
Operation Christmas Child shoebox deadline
This year we are proud to once again be supporting the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox appeal. Every child will be bringing home a leaflet next week detailing how to pack your shoebox gift or alternatively visit the website. Please can…
Elvington Scouts Charity Bonfire
All Welcome! Bar & BBQ, at the Scout Hut, Wheldrake Lane, Elvington. Fire lit 6.30pm, fireworks start 7pm. Entry by donation of a large firework or donation of money.
Halloween Disco at the Village Hall
Tickets are £3.50 and are available from committee members, playgroup, toddler staff or contact Elaine the manager.
Children in Need Day
Seeing is Believing Day
You are invited to come along and join your child in their lessons. We hope this will provide a little more insight to the school day and the teaching methods we use. We really do try our best to ensure links…
Church Flower & Produce Show & Photographic Competition
Classes to enter for young & old. Pick up an entry form from the back of church, village shop or Halo Hair Studio. Drop off entries between 10am-noon. Judging at noon. Viewing & refreshments 2-4pm. Also church decorating for Harvest…
Peter and the Wolf Show Class 3,4,5
A darker tale for older children featuring the wonderfully evocative music of Prokofiev, this tells the tale of Peter, a bold young lad who lives in the wilderness with his animal friends, and how their lives are disturbed by the…