Blog Archives

Family Service in Church

When: October 18, 2015 @ 10:30 am

Please join us for our Family Service. There will be a bring and buy sale after the service in aid of the Syrian refugees.Your support would be much appreciated.

Boden Party

When: November 3, 2015 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Friends Of Elvington School (FOES) will be hosting a Boden party in the school hall. There will be 20% discount on all items, a raffle with a £50 Boden voucher, a free Boden gift for the 1st 30 orders, free P&P and…

Flu Vaccination Y1/2

When: November 24, 2015 all-day

The flu immunisation team have requested any updated information of your child’s health since completing the consent form. Should there be any changes or if your child has already received the vaccine from their GP please contact the school office.

Y3/4 Christmas Party

When: December 17, 2015 @ 1:00 pm

Year 3: Please provide sweet dishes: buns, biscuits, grapes etc. Year 4: Please provide savouries: carrot sticks, crisps, cheese and pineapple etc. On your child’s party day they are welcome to come to school in their party clothes. Please bear…

Y5/6 Christmas Party

When: December 15, 2015 @ 1:00 pm

Year 5: Please provide sweet dishes: buns, biscuits, grapes etc. Year 6: Please provide savouries: carrot sticks, crisps, cheese and pineapple etc. On your child’s party day they are welcome to come to school in their party clothes. Please bear…