Following the most up-to-date forecast, we have reluctantly taken the decision to postpone Sports Day; conditions are almost certainly likely to be very unpleasant for spectators and potentially hazardous for participants. Sports Day has been rescheduled and will now take…
Blog Archives
Sports Day (rescheduled)
We will now be holding our Sports’ Day on Tuesday 4th July at 1:15pm. The children will be taking part in races and then working in teams to complete a series of activities. A stand will be present from Phunky…
Sports Week
We are all looking forward to Sports Week, week beginning 19th June. Please remember to have a full P.E kit and a water bottle in school. During this week the children will be able to join in with a range…
Year 4 Times Table Test Information meeting
In June, Year 4 children will undertake the statutory Times table test. Mrs Granger and Mrs Marjoram will be holding an informal information meeting on Monday May 22nd at 3-20pm in Class 3. Please feel free to come join them…
Class 2 Maths Cake Stall
To raise money for Maths resources, each class will be taking part in one cake stall throughout the year. When it is your child’s cake stall, we would appreciate it if your child could bring in either some biscuits, tray…
Return Decorated Spoons for the PTA Competition today!
Please see the information below, explaining the PTA’s spoon decorating competition & sweet stall.
PTA Sweet Stall
Please see the information below, explaining the PTA’s spoon decorating competition & sweet stall.
Class 1 & 2 Book and Biscuit Event
Coronation Lunch Today!
Please reply by today to the Parent/Carer Questionnaire 2023
As part of our annual cycle of self-evaluation, we are keen to seek the views of parents/carers regarding the strengths of our school and suggested areas for further development. We would appreciate it if you could complete an online questionnaire;…