Blog Archives
Elvington Under Fives Bingo Night
Scheherazade – Year 6 Production
Scheherazade – Year 6 Production
Year 5/6 Swimming starts
Class 4 Trip – Merchant Adventurers Hall
Class 3 ~ Friday Sharing Collective Worship
As previously announced we have a scheduled INSET day (in-service training day) on Friday 26th May. As a result, Class 3’s Sharing Assembly will take place on Thursday 25th May, at 1:30pm.
Class 5 ~ Friday Sharing Collective Worship
We are looking forward to welcoming parents and carers back to our Friday Sharing Collective Worship. Parents and carers are welcome to attend from 14:30, with each class starting their presentation at 14:45. Please can we ask, where possible, that…
Class 1 ~ Friday Sharing Collective Worship
We are looking forward to welcoming parents and carers back to our Friday Sharing Collective Worship. Parents and carers are welcome to attend from 14:30, with each class starting their presentation at 14:45. Please can we ask, where possible, that…
Class 4 ~ Friday Sharing Collective Worship
We are looking forward to welcoming parents and carers back to our Friday Sharing Collective Worship. Parents and carers are welcome to attend from 14:30, with each class starting their presentation at 14:45. Please can we ask, where possible, that…