We are looking forward to welcoming parents and carers back to our Friday Sharing Collective Worship. Parents and carers are welcome to attend from 14:30, with each class starting their presentation at 14:45. Please can we ask, where possible, that…
Blog Archives
Class 1 ~ Friday Sharing Collective Worship
We are looking forward to welcoming parents and carers back to our Friday Sharing Collective Worship. Parents and carers are welcome to attend from 14:30, with each class starting their presentation at 14:45. Please can we ask, where possible, that…
*Postponed* Class 4 ~ Friday Sharing Collective Worship
We are looking forward to welcoming parents and carers back to our Friday Sharing Collective Worship. Parents and carers are welcome to attend from 14:30, with each class starting their presentation at 14:45. Please can we ask, where possible, that…
Class 2 ~ Friday Sharing Collective Worship
We are looking forward to welcoming parents and carers back to our Friday Sharing Collective Worship. Parents and carers are welcome to attend from 14:30, with each class starting their presentation at 14:45. Please can we ask, where possible, that…
Class 3 ~ Friday Sharing Collective Worship
We are looking forward to welcoming parents and carers back to our Friday Sharing Collective Worship. Parents and carers are welcome to attend from 14:30, with each class starting their presentation at 14:45. Please can we ask, where possible, that…
Closure of Online Bookings System for Parents Evening
As you are aware we will be continuing to use our online booking system for the upcoming Parents’ Evenings on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd February. The aforementioned booking system is provided by School Jotter and will enable parents/carers to…
Club Cancellation – KS1 Multi-Sports
Key Stage 1 Multi Sports is cancelled next Tuesday, 7th February, due to Miss Eaton commencing Maternity Leave. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Menu Alteration 24-01-23
To celebrate Chinese New Year there will be a change to Tuesday’s menu, please see below.
Class 2 Maths Cake Stall
Class cake stalls are back! After such a positive response to the cake stalls, we plan to continue these this academic year to raise money for Maths resources. Each class will be taking part in one cake stall throughout the year,…
Class 3 Maths Cake Stall
Class cake stalls are back! After such a positive response to the cake stalls, we plan to continue these this academic year to raise money for Maths resources. Each class will be taking part in one cake stall throughout the year,…