Blog Archives

PTA Movie Night

When: January 27, 2023 @ 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm

As this is a PTA event it will not be on ParentPay, therefore, please send £4 cash in a named envelope with your child on Friday morning.

World Book Day

When: March 2, 2023 all-day

Thursday 2nd March is this year’s World Book Day. We would like to invite children to have two options: to dress up as a book character of their choice or to wear comfy reading clothes such as their favourite onesie.

Class 4 Maths Cake Stall

When: January 20, 2023 @ 3:15 pm

The Maths Cake Stalls are back! To raise money for Maths resources, each class will be taking part in one cake stall throughout the year. When it is your child’s cake stall, we would appreciate it if your child could…

Class 1 ~ Friday Sharing Collective Worship

When: February 10, 2023 @ 2:45 pm

We are looking forward to welcoming parents and carers back to our Friday Sharing Collective Worship. Parents and carers are welcome to attend from 14:30, with each class starting their presentation at 14:45. Please can we ask, where possible, that…

Class 2 ~ Friday Sharing Collective Worship

When: February 3, 2023 @ 2:45 pm

We are looking forward to welcoming parents and carers back to our Friday Sharing Collective Worship. Parents and carers are welcome to attend from 14:30, with each class starting their presentation at 14:45. Please can we ask, where possible, that…

Certificate Assembly (Class 3 assembly rescheduled)

When: January 27, 2023 @ 2:45 pm

Unfortunately, due to Mrs Granger being unwell, Class 3’s sharing assembly will not go ahead this Friday. Instead, they will take part in a ‘bumper assembly’ on Friday 24th February. There will be a short assembly on Friday for those…

Class 4 ~ Friday Sharing Collective Worship

When: January 20, 2023 @ 2:45 pm

We are looking forward to welcoming parents and carers back to our Friday Sharing Collective Worship. Parents and carers are welcome to attend from 14:30, with each class starting their presentation at 14:45. Please can we ask, where possible, that…