Blog Archives
On Friday 5th February, we will be having a “Pyjama Friday” theme for our live lessons. If your child is in school on this day please ensure they also have plenty of layers underneath or on top, as it is…
Parents’ Evening (please book online by 11/2/21)
The booking system for the Parents’ Evenings which will take place on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th February is open until 12pm on Thursday 11th February. Please ensure your time slot is reserved by this date and time. The aforementioned…
Parents’ Evening (please book online by 11/2/21)
The booking system for the Parents’ Evenings which will take place on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th February is open until 12pm on Thursday 11th February. Please ensure your time slot is reserved by this date and time. The aforementioned…
Staff Training Day
Staff Training Day
Staff Training Day
Staff Training Day
Staff Training Day
Menu Alteration
Please note: As the Festive Lunch is on Tuesday 15th, Jacket Potatoes will be served on Wednesday 16th instead.