As usual, there will be an Easter egg decorating competition towards the end of this half term, however, this year we will doing things a little differently… The children need to come up with an egg-cellent idea (sorry I couldn’t resist)…
Blog Archives
Sponsored Read
World Book Day Dress Up and Book Fair
Parent Residential Meeting
Class 1 Outdoor Ted Trip
Outdoor Ted aims to introduce primary school children to learning in an outdoor environment with activities designed to improve children’s team building and problem solving skills while having fun in a safe outdoor environment.
*Postponed* Class 5 Outdoor Ted Trip
Outdoor Ted aims to introduce primary school children to learning in an outdoor environment with activities designed to improve children’s team building and problem solving skills while having fun in a safe outdoor environment.
*Postponed* Class 2 Outdoor Ted Trip
Outdoor Ted aims to introduce primary school children to learning in an outdoor environment with activities designed to improve children’s team building and problem solving skills while having fun in a safe outdoor environment.
*Postponed* Class 4 Outdoor Ted Trip
Outdoor Ted aims to introduce primary school children to learning in an outdoor environment with activities designed to improve children’s team building and problem solving skills while having fun in a safe outdoor environment.
Class 3 Outdoor Ted Trip
Outdoor Ted aims to introduce primary school children to learning in an outdoor environment with activities designed to improve children’s team building and problem solving skills while having fun in a safe outdoor environment.
Bring and Buy Sale
The School Council are holding a Bring and Buy sale in the playground to raise money to assist Australian animals. Please donate any clean, usable and complete, toys, jig-saws, books or arts and craft articles. All items will be sold for…