Blog Archives

Class 2 Cake Stall

When: May 24, 2019 @ 3:15 pm

To raise money for Maths, each class will be taking part in ONE cake stall throughout the year. Please can children bring in biscuits, tray bakes or cakes in the morning ready to sell after sharing assembly on the given…

Tour de Yorkshire

When: May 2, 2019 @ 1:30 pm

POLITE REMINDER – SCHOOL CLOSURE On Thursday 2nd May the school will close at 1.30pm due to The Tour de Yorkshire.

Sponsored Read

When: March 11, 2019 – March 15, 2019 all-day

We will be running a sponsored read during the week of March 11th.  The project is being organised in conjunction with our local Usborne Organiser, Anna Tuson. All of the money raised will go towards brand new books for our…

Skip to be Fit Workshop

When: March 12, 2019 all-day

Dave Corcoran of ‘Skip to be Fit’ will be in school all day. He will be working with every class teaching them all new skipping skills. Skipping is a very exciting and popular way of keeping fit! Please ensure your child…

Parental Maths Workshop

When: March 28, 2019 @ 6:00 pm

Parents are invited to attend from 5.45pm to have opportunity to talk to governors, our PCSO and grab a cup of tea. We are looking forward to offering you the opportunity to learn more about the teaching of Maths and…