Sponsored Read

March 11, 2019 – March 15, 2019 all-day

We will be running a sponsored read during the week of March 11th.  The project is being organised in conjunction with our local Usborne Organiser, Anna Tuson. All of the money raised will go towards brand new books for our school. Usborne will also donate up to 60% of the total raised in EXTRA FREE BOOKS to the school. So for every £600 raised, we will get an extra £360 in FREE Usborne books. Please help us to enhance our reading resources for pupils by encouraging your child to spend a small amount of time each day either reading to themselves, to others, or being read to. They can read books, comics, magazines, newspapers, menus, websites, recipes, poems, leaflets, instructions – anything with words!

Every child will receive a certificate upon completion of the sponsored read showing the total number of minutes read. Plus, every child who raises a personal total of £10 or more, will receive a free book to take home. Your child will be bringing home a sponsorship form
and a reading log to record the minutes they have spent reading.

After the sponsored read, please send all the sponsorship money that your child has raised to the school by Monday March 18th. Cheques should be made payable to our Usborne Organiser: Anna Tuson.

We look forward to having lots more books for your child to read, share and enjoy.