Sponsored Read

November 21, 2022 – November 25, 2022 all-day

To celebrate and encourage a love of reading, we are running a sponsored read between Monday 21st November – Friday 25th November. Please note that this is an optional event but we do hope that many children choose to take part.

All the money raised will go towards brand new books for our school. In addition to the sponsorship money, Usborne will also donate up to 60% of the total raised in EXTRA FREE BOOKS to the school. So, for every £600 raised, we will get an extra £360 in FREE Usborne books! Our target is to raise £600 in sponsor money. If 100 of our children took part and raised £6 each, we would reach our target of £600! Please help us to enhance our reading resources for pupils by encouraging your child to spend a small amount of time each day either reading to themselves, to others, or being read to.

For more information, please see here.

Many thanks for your support

Mrs Holmes