EYFS and Primary Quality Mark Accreditation

I am pleased to announce that we have successfully gained both the EYFS and Primary Quality Mark. These prestigious awards externally validate the work that we do at Elvington Church of England Primary School.  I would like to highlight the role that Miss. Rushmer, Mrs. Granger and Mrs. Holmes played in the inspection process, which resulted in the awards.   The EYFS Quality Mark provides a framework for self-evaluation and continuous improvement of the skills, particularly in communication, language and mathematical development, of young children through activities suitable for the stage of development they have reached.

The Primary Quality Mark is an award that celebrates and supports continuous improvement in literacy and numeracy.  It is awarded to a school to recognise their provision, practice and performance in English and mathematics.  A school must demonstrate a whole school approach to improving standards in English and mathematics, with evidence of the impact of its approaches.

Please see the attached letters from Nicola Morris (Quality Mark National Director).

Kind regards,
Mr. Andrew Buttery
Elvington Church of England  Primary School     

Dauby Lane
YO41 4HP
01904 555280
“I have come in order that you may have life – life in all its fullness.” John 10:10