P.T.A. We’d love to see you!


We are hoping to hold our next PTA meeting in Elvington School on 29th September 2022 at 6.00 pm.

The time has changed back to 6:00 pm due to PTA members availability.

Due to this, there will now be no childcare facilities.

We’d love to see some new faces and all are welcome. 

We’d like to build a plan for fundraising for the forthcoming year. The PTA team are very easy going and as a team there is no expectation of time commitment. We give as much or as little time as we have spare to help. Some of the amazing things that the PTA helped fund last year included the school iPads, the new school books, the David Attenborough Day and The S.T.A.R. Barn, theatre shows, Story tellers, Purple Pig visits, and so much more.

We’d love for you to join us…The PTA Team