Breakfast Club
Elvington Church of England Primary School offers a ‘drop in’ breakfast club held in the school hall, and opens daily from 07:45 to 08:45, which can be paid for via ParentPay. The cost also includes breakfast, which consists of cereal, toast, yoghurts, and croissants. Further information about breakfast club can be obtained by contacting the school office.
As you will probably be aware from recent media reports, schools are facing a challenging financial future. We are working hard to ensure that any negative budgetary implications have as little impact on your child’s education as possible.
To help support the increasing costs of running our Breakfast Club, and to bring the cost of our Breakfast Club in line with other schools in York, the daily cost of our Breakfast Club will increase to £3.50, with effect from Tuesday 5th September.
We have managed to keep the cost of our Breakfast Club to £3 per session for a number of years. However, Breakfast Club has to be self-funding; we hope you will agree that this still represents excellent value for money and will continue to support the club.
Families can use childcare vouchers to pay for the breakfast club if they are a member of a scheme via their workplace. This website offers advice and getting help with the costs of childcare:
After School Club
Pupils can also access an after school club, which is operated by Elvington Out of School Club and runs at the Lower Derwent Sports and Social Club, a short walk from school. The children are collected from school by qualified staff, and form a ‘walking bus’ to the venue, wearing high visible jackets. Children attending the club can participate in various supervised activities (both inside and in the park), or have a quiet place to do their homework or read a book. More information can be obtained via their website.