Our curriculum design is represented as a tree, with our school values as the roots
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Curriculum Statements of Intent
Progression of Skills and Knowledge
At Elvington Church of England Primary School, we believe in a broad and balanced curriculum where all subjects are valued. A broad and balanced curriculum will equip our children with a breadth of knowledge and skills in all areas of the curriculum.
For information about how we make our curriculum accessible to those with disabilities or special educational needs, please see our SEND Report together with our Accessibility Plan, SEND Policy and Equality Policy which can all be found on the Policies & Key Information page, where you will also find our Relationship and Health Education Policy.
Further detailed information about the teaching and learning happening each half term in each individual class can be found in the Class Newsletters and Curriculum Overviews on our classroom pages.
You can find out more about the Early Years Foundation Stage, the EYFS Statutory Framework, and the National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2, which includes the programmes of study for all subjects, on the GOV.uk website.