Sports Premium Grant

The Sports Premium Grant, provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, has been allocated to primary schools and is ring-fenced so schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but have been given the freedom to choose how they allocate the funding.

The staff at Elvington CE Primary have decided to spend the allocation of funding as follows:

  • To increase teacher confidence in delivering high quality PE in order to strengthen teaching and learning across school.
  • Support, enthuse and engage all children in a range of physical activities.
  • Pay for professional development opportunities for teachers in PE and sport in order to support teachers in delivering high quality PE.
  • Increase pupil participation in sport and physical activity throughout the school day. Paying attention to those children who do not participate in any after school clubs.
  • To offer a wide range of high quality after school sports club provision in a range of sports.
  • Increase opportunities for inter-school competition.
  • Improve resources to support the delivery of physical education both in curricular and extra-curricular time.
  • To promote a healthy lifestyle by promoting a healthy lifestyle.

We ensure that improvements made are sustained and sustainable by; taking and teaching children to take good care of purchased resources; continuously building on our long term productive working relationships with sporting organisations such as Jorvik SP and York City Knights and by sharing among staff new skills, knowledge and resources from CPD through staff meetings and training. The impact of the grant on our pupils is reviewed annually.

2023 to 2024

Sports Premium is funded in financial years; whereas school planning is based on academic years. It is anticipated that a broadly similar grant will be allocated in the next few years so our anticipated allocation for the 2023-2024 academic year is approximately £17,000. The spending and the impact of this funding is recorded and monitored over the course of the year and we will publish the final report.

Schools are now asked to report how many pupils within their year 6 cohort can do each of the following:

  • swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  • use a range of strokes effectively
  • perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations

Total number of children=22

Has attended swimming lessons out of school 22 100%
Can confidently swim 25ms proficiently 21 95%
Can use a range of strokes effectively (breaststroke /back stroke/front crawl) 21 95%
Has undertaken safe self-rescue activities as part of their swimming lessons 16 72%


2022 to 2023

Our final allocation for the 2022-2023 academic year was £17,110.

Click here to view the detailed Sport Premium spending plan for 2022-2023

2022-2023 Year 6 Cohort Swimming Competencies

Total number of children=14

Has attended swimming lessons out of school 93%
Can confidently swim 25ms proficiently. 79%
Can use a range of strokes effectively (breaststroke /back stroke/front crawl) 79%
Has undertaken safe self-rescue activities as part of their swimming lessons. 42%

2021 to 2022

Our final allocation for 2021-2022 was £17,120.

Click here to view the detailed Sport Premium spending plan for 2021-2022

2021-2022 Year 6 Cohort Swimming Competencies

Total number of children = 26

Has attended swimming lessons out of school 22 84%
Can confidently swim 25ms proficiently 22 84%
Can use a range of strokes effectively (breaststroke /back stroke/front crawl) 21 80%
Has undertaken safe self-rescue activities as part of their swimming lessons. 23 88%

2020 to 2021

Our final allocation for 2020-2021 was £17,260 and we carried forward £3 860 from 2019-2020

Click here to view the detailed Sport Premium spending plan for 2020-2021, including evaluation

2020-2021 Year 6 Cohort Swimming Competencies

Has attended swimming lessons out of school 19/20 95%
Can confidently swim 25ms proficiently 18/20 90%
Can use a range of strokes effectively (breaststroke /back stroke/front crawl) 17/20 85%
Has undertaken safe self-rescue activities as part of their swimming lessons. 17/20 85%

2019 to 2020

Our final allocation for 2019-2020 was £17,290.

As a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the Department for Education took steps to relax the ring-fencing arrangements for the PE and sport premium in the 2019 to 2020 academic year to allow any unspent grant to be carried forward into the 2020 to 2021 academic year. Our assessment of swimming competencies was also interrupted by Covid-19 for this academic year.

Click here to view the Sport Premium spending plan for 2019-2020, including impact evaluation


Our final allocation for 2018-2019 was £17,160.

Click here to view the Sport Premium spending plan for 2018-2019, including impact evaluation.

2018-2019 Year 6 Cohort Swimming Competencies

Has attended swimming lessons out of school 28/30 93%
Can confidently swim 25ms proficiently 30/30 100%
Can use a range of strokes effectively (breaststroke /back stroke/front crawl) 17/30 56%
Has undertaken safe self-rescue activities as part of their swimming lessons 28/30 93%

Click here to view the Sports Premium information for previous years.